Friday, December 23, 2005

Tis The Season

Tis the season of great expectations and...Big disappointments.
It's funny how society has molded people into expecting something for Christmas from everyone they know. And if they don't get what they want..It's like...such and such treated me wrong!!!
It seems like people think if they give someone something they expect something in return.
This whole gift giving thing has got way out of hand if you ask me!!
What's wrong with just doing what's in your heart and not worrying about who's feelings may get hurt if you don't, (or can't for that matter) do for them to?
This is just my rant and one of the disappointing things about the Christmas season.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and your heart is filled with happiness. Just remember the reason for the season and don't worry about the pressure from the rest of the ones who have...... forgot.

Merry Christmas


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